Monday, February 21, 2011


Just testing some features, cause rss is shitty....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Accentuate The Positive

Damn homework! never have time to post anymore. remember to keep guessing the artists of the posts. these are some things Ive been collecting for the past week or so.

Audi with built in technololgy

use your netbook as an iPad keyboard.

interesting ways to get more battery out of your iPhone

NSW lost origin :(

next iphone will have video chat?

ten best cities for broadband. canberra is crap :L

times square has free wifi.

Ben posted this on youtube the other day. its crazy. defs worth a watch

Cool Phone, if only!

James Morrison, what a machine!

So we were pondering at school;

  • Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
  • Why do women wear such uncomfortable shoes
  • If a turtle doesnt have his shell is he homeless or naked?
  • Why does the psycic hotline ask you for your credit card? shouldnt they already know it?
  • Why is an orange an orange but an apple not a red?
  • If blind people wear sun glasses, do deaf people wear earmuffs?

Awesome google chrome and opera speed tests.

An oldy but a goody

i think thats it sadly.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So What

its been waaaaayyyy too long. :(

Ok so i have a new game, for every post i write, you may or may not have noticed, the title is also a song title. in the comments below, correctly name the artist of the song. it would be better if you dont use the google, but i cant really stop that i dont think. when you get the correct answer, ill let you know, and add you to the leaderboard on the right sidepane. im not really sure what the reward is, but you should do it anyway! :)

The first one should be pretty easy.

Some idiot microwaving his brand new ipad. tut tut.

i jailbroke my iPod this week. (shhhh, dont tell apple) so far i am rather happy with the results, i even got an app that allows some form of multitasking. although, i find that if i dont manually kill the processes, and even if i do, there are always apps running so the battery life is lacking. im still working on this though so bare with me.

for those interested, the jailbreak i used is HERE

i also got fruit ninja off installous. awesome game, except it doesnt save my highscore :(

i had this stuck in my head allll day!! bad.

this guy is aweosme!!

If you would like to see more, click on these links.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Apple dissalowed WiFi Sync. now its on cydia. BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT!! i thought this defeated the purpose of jailbreaking. $10. not for me.

So pretty much, this post was just youtube, but hey, lifes tough, and i have work to do.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So ive wasted a fair bit of time in the last week. all 'G' though.

Changed the background and column widths by mucking around with the css. gives me plenty of me space for a bigger video player....

Fair difference in size compared to this.... just throwing it out there.

Craaaaazzy Piercing. if this isnt photoshop, ill be damned!

How come we call a fizzy drink with ice cream in it 'a spider'?

im looking forward to our next Jazz gig. whenever that may be.

i also now have room for bigger pictures :)

Im guessing this guy is a nerd?

Quick overview of 0S4 multitasking for those still in doubt.

OS4 Facebook integration

New Artists:
The Swingle Singers (hard to find, but there is a torrent here)
Their version of the 1812 overture is quite amazing.

I ♥ Cold Water (Freya and Tom you might need to go looking for the rest of the message here...)

Canberra College should hurry up and get the wireless going. im quite keen for it.

For ANU i have to write a history of the cello. not fun to research. like, really not fun.

anyways thats all i got.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

One Love


this is gonna be short and sweet, dont have time for much.

i have 3 assignments, all due in 2 weeks. GAY!! oh well, shit happens.

so i was looking at the canberra college website today... seriously needs a new look!

This outrages me! if they arent gonna install a decent operating system, at least install a decent version of office! read that, office XP!! tut tut Canberra College.

Maths is shit.

the ipad was released worldwide today. $629. sooo tempting ♥.

im currently updating portable pimp stick. created a whole new icon set for the folders.

We won basketball yesterday. only just. but still, a wins a win.

i cant wait for iPhone OS4. multitasking and folders, just what i need for using my iPod touch for taking notes in class...

For that matter,
Has anyone come across a note taking app that has drawings as well? i use evernote, but it would be awesome to have little diagrams every now and then.... let me know if you come across one.

thats all for now i think...

When I'm Sixty-Four

Saturday 8th May 2010


So I was thinking, how easy would running a disco be! so here goes...

My Steps For How To Run A School Disco:
1. Advertise your having a disco and that you need tunes.
2. Load your music up into iTunes. you may need to acquire some more music as well.
3. Set up iTunes DJ. make sure you allow ipod touch and iphone remotes, and enable voting.
4. 'Borrow' a wireless router. if your doing this at school you may or may not already have one installed. if you 'borrow' one, plug a ethernet cable into your computer so you gt the best bandwidth.
5. Advertise the password for the router. you may also choose to leave it open. this is up to you.
6. Set up the lights and other junk (a nice sound system would be nice). Hit the play button. now, assuming people have Remote installed on their iPods/iPhones (its free) you will have a rather effortless disco. get yourself a nice cool drink.

Ever need to make a pollabout something online? do it here... Micropoll

Im trying to get 3 stars on all the angry birds levels. i love youtube... Rovio Mobile's YouTube Channel

i dunno about you, but i think this is a great band name!

OMG!! Cyanide & Happiness on Video...

Beethoven Symphony No. 1 is;
The Peice We Are Plying in Orchestra...

Possibly one of the most awesome pieces of software...

PC Innovations

We may possibly see a new version of messenger in the next few months. they are integrating facebook chat. funny, ive been doing that for about 6 moths now. Microsoft have finally caught on! some of the other features are pretty cool though. check it out. New Messenger

First basketball game tomorrow, you can follow my teams progress here. we are the 'TSC Panthers'.

Thanks to some help, i now have a sexy sharing thingo below...


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)

Thursday 6th May 2010

OK so this post ended up being a bunch of random crap, heavily tech related.

"What do you want to do to me right now? Come on. Everyone is turning colors." well actually this isn't at all tech related, its a quote from the film I'm watching in English.

A Comic

A cool music clip i found on Youtube off a friends Facebook wall.

This is Woden Plaza in 1976 - I must say i think its changed fairly significantly.

Wi-Fi iPhone Syncing
I really really hope that Wi-Fi syncing gets accepted some time soon, it would be so handy!

iPhone News

More iPhone Stuff

New OS4 Features Released

In physics we learnt this. if you are ever traveling in another country, and a guy wants to shoot you, but first asks you if you have just one wish, tell him you want him to use a massive bullet, one that it bigger than the gun itself.
This way, he will be destined to blow himself up.

Home Alone Vs. Die Hard

Found this a while ago. Quite hilarious in my opinion.

Guide to making a movie with computers in it: Here

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Cool iPhone/Android Comparison

This could come in handy for talking about Assignments and stuff over Facebook... iSendr

ahh man,
reminds me of my stromlo days
maybe we should have put these up

Anyways, thats all ive got, so id like to sign off with a quote

“Computers are like bikinis. They save people a lot of guesswork.”
(Sam Ewing)


Come Fly With Me

Wednesday 5th May 2010

Spent most of my time in the last few days playing angry birds. i would say its about 50% complete:) i have all the golden eggs except the ones you get by completing the levels on 3 stars, and i have the first 40 levels completed on 3 stars, just 20 more to go roughly. then another 40.

Im going to beat you, Luke Behrendorff. bahaha

I have some ideas for my English creative assignment, using this technique:
i tried one here:
My Attempt

i was really quite frustrated by MysteryGuitarMan's new video:

inm constantly in distress about which operating system to boot into, Windows 7 or Ubuntu 10.04 , its a big decision.

i still cant find my USB. grrr...

Websites i have discovered today:

i really think Phil would like that second link :)

A funny comic

As im writing this, my brother is playing the entertainer on the piano. i really should have kept up the piano. i rather terrible now days. oh well, shit happens when you party naked.


Monday, May 3, 2010

My Immortal

Monday 3rd May 2010

Well, what a day! the 21st anniversary of my parents meeting, I almost get on the front page of The Canberra Times, and I'm pretty well on the verge of my lungs exploding.

So i have a few ideas for this blog, a space for me to write all my crap and stuff i discover on the interweb, without having to update my twitter 10 billion times and have people get annoyed on facebook :)

Websites i have discovered today:

Artists i discovered today:

The Swingle singers (Daddy says they listened to 'em when he first met mum)

i spent all day playing angry birds on my iPod, finished getting 3 stars on all the levels on the first set, and unlocked 2 golden eggs.

So today marks the day i start writing a blog. this could possibly have been the stupidest thing I've ever done.


PS. as for this posts name, it was the song i was listening to at the time.